Customised Acrylic plexiglas LOCKERS
In Faberplast the acrylic perspex (Plexiglas®-PMMA) we use for our products is guaranteed for 30 years without yellowing and maximum transparency superior to glass. With this material in our lockers we guarantee 30 years without visible alterations due to sunlight. It retains its appearance, gloss and the transparent, colourless surface.
Do you want a customized product like our examples of Customised Acrylic plexiglas LOCKERS?
In Faberplast we are experts in doing all kinds of works with methacrylate, whether they are Acrylic plexiglas LOCKERS or any other type of product such as the ones you can see browsing our website. Contact us and explain what you need!
The absolute yellowing values of the methacrylate (Plexiglas®) with which we make our articles even after 30 years are the lowest possible at present compared to any other plastic on the market.
Are you looking for Customised Acrylic plexiglas LOCKERS?
Get in contact with us! We are experts in the manufacture of Customised Acrylic plexiglas LOCKERS and all kinds of products in methacrylate and plastic materials. We adapt to the needs of your business.