Maintenance and cleaning of Plexiglas/Perspex
Plexiglas/Perspex is a rigid plastic that has a glassy appearance. Although the most widely marketed is transparent, it is available in a wide variety of colors. It is a material that is used for the manufacture of different objects, and it is very likely that we have some of them in our point of sale through exhibitors, showcases, suggestion boxes, protective screens ... or also at home in some furniture, so we are interested in knowing how to clean the Plexiglas/Perspex correctly to prevent damage to the material.
How to clean Plexiglas/Perspex safely
Although a priori the cleaning of the methacrylate may be easy, we must follow some tips for optimal maintenance, in this way we will avoid any problem and we will have our article or Plexiglas/Perspex product as the first day.
Let's pay attention to the following tips to know how to clean Plexiglas/Perspex:
Handle the part with care
The first thing to know about Plexiglas/Perspex is that although it is a very resistant material, depending on the thickness or length of its pieces, we must be careful when handling it, preferably holding it by the base or the center and never by the ends, since these They could split, chip or we can force the glued areas that should not be stressed.
Use the right utensils and products
For a correct cleaning of Plexiglas/Perspex, abrasive sponges or detergents, solvents, glass cleaners are NOT recommended, or any product that contains alcohol or alcohol derivatives, as it can cause serious damage and lose one of its most important properties, sharpness or transparency. Never, regardless of the nature of the stain, should we clean the Plexiglas/Perspex with a product of this type. Do not trust us with the glass cleaners, since they could have some components that damage this material. Plexiglas/Perspex has a transparency of 92%, and this will continue as long as we respect and follow the appropriate recommendations for use.
It is necessary that we clean the Plexiglas/Perspex with a soft cloth or a rag, it is best if it is made of cotton, that it is clean, slightly damp and apply the right amount of neutral soap if necessary. At this point we must clarify one thing, when we apply soap it is better to stay short than to pour in excess, since then it will cost us more to finish the cleaning and remove the excess soap. Nor do we advise you to carry out a dry cleaning of the Plexiglas/Perspex, since we can scratch the material and lose transparency, in addition to passing a dry cloth over its surface we can leave marks that are later perceived.
How to remove dust from methacrylate?
If we only want to remove the dust, it will be enough to wipe with a cloth slightly dampened with distilled water or water with reverse osmosis, in case of not having this type of water we can use ordinary tap water but if only small particles of dust are what we want to clean, with a slightly damp quality cellulose cloth it is more than enough to leave it in perfect condition and not damage the edges or the surface of the Plexiglas/Perspex.
How to remove stains from Plexiglas/Perspex?
To remove stains we can use a neutral soap, either for the hands or a dishwasher, as long as it is neutral. It is not advisable to use scented soaps or mixed with other cleaning products as in many cases they contain alcohol derivatives. However, many stains can be removed simply with water, before using soap if we do not have a neutral soap on hand, try to remove our stain only with water.
How to remove an adhesive from Plexiglas/Perspex?
If we want to eliminate the stain of an adhesive that has been adhered to the Plexiglas/Perspex, we can rub it with a cloth moistened with a little alcohol. But never touch the edge, as it produces an effect called crashing, which consists of the appearance of cracks that will increase in size. However, let's use a very small amount of alcohol, lightly pulverized if possible and quickly rub the area with adhesive to prevent the alcohol from coming into contact for a certain time with the surface of the Plexiglas/Perspex.
If we have followed the instructions, we will have managed to solve the dirt problems and carry out basic maintenance on our Plexiglas/Perspex products or pieces, however if not, we recommend that you contact us so that we can advise you in the best possible way.