Acrylic plexiglas support BELL P
Acrylic plexiglas support made for P bells.
Support in bevelled block format with shape adapted to circular bell made of acrylic perspex (Plexiglas®-PMMA) of high thickness. Includes on the side direct digital printing with high quality black ECO-UV ink with the customer's logo. Smooth and polished colourless edges with high gloss thanks to our careful manufacturing processes. Made in EU.
The absolute yellowing values of the acrylic PMMA (Plexiglas®) from which we make our products even after 30 years are the lowest possible today compared to any other plastic on the market.
And now we also manufacture our products with 100% recycled plexiglas.
This product is located in: Acrylic plexiglas displays and pop, Custom Displays, Plexiglas basses and stands