Acrylic plexiglas support for FEATHER CARDBOARD
Support for FEATHER CARDBOARD and other light materials made of perspex-plexiglas for all types of advertising, information or communication graphics for table or counter. Different formats with a meticulous handmade manufacturing process carried out by our technical specialists. Your visual and graphic communication always well cared for and presented with the high transparency of a noble material such as methacrylate. Made in Spain.
Made with transparent perspex plates (Plexiglas®-pmma) 3 mm thick.
Sizes and formats:
Ideal for posters of maximum A4 size and different thicknesses depending on model. Straight or oval design. Single or double poster format.
Custom made:
At Faberplast® we are manufacturers, if you need custom Plexiglas basses and stands (Plexiglas®-PMMA), contact us and we will quickly send you your budget. We work any quantity and all in record time. And now we also manufacture our products with 100% plexiglas recycled.
Maintenance tips:
- It is recommended to clean transparent acrylic perspex products (Plexiglas®-pmma) only with neutral soap and a soft cellulose paper.
- It is not advisable to use products with alcohol or alcohol derivatives on plexiglas pieces to maintain the original state of the material.
- For more information see maintenance and cleaning tips and help page
This product is located in: Acrylic plexiglas displays and pop, Plexiglas basses and stands, Acrylic plexiglas Brochure holders, Plexiglas sheet holder, Sign board - Digital printout, Plates plexiglas (Perspex), Labelled methacrylate plates, Personalised commemorative plaques