Ref. FB1677
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(VAT not included)
114,83 €
(VAT included)
Price / ud
(VAT not included)
Price / ud
(VAT included)
94,90 €
114,83 €
90,16 €
109,09 €
80,67 €
97,60 €
66,43 €
80,38 €
47,45 €
57,41 €
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Acrylic plexiglas container DAK for foodstuffs made of perspex for all types of foodstuffs, exhibition objects, decoration or points of sale. Handmade by our technical specialists. Your products and objects always well cared for and presented with the high transparency of a noble material such as perspex / plexiglas.

Model valid for table, counter or hanging.

The perspex / plexiglas used by Faberplast in our food products can be used for direct contact with all types of food for human consumption, as it complies with the requirements of the European directive 2002/72/EC (as amended by directive 2004/19/EC and directive 2005/79/EC).


Made with 3 mm thick transparent acrylic perspex plates (Plexiglas®-pmma). Made in Spain.


Width: 130 mm.

Depth: 200 mm.

Height: 233 mm.

The measures are external.


Custom made:

At Faberplast® we are manufacturers, if you need custom Acrylic plexiglas Food Containers (Plexiglas®-PMMA), contact us and we will quickly send you your budget. We work any quantity and all in record time. And now we also manufacture our products with 100% plexiglas recycled.

Maintenance tips:

- It is recommended to clean transparent acrylic perspex products (Plexiglas®-pmma) only with neutral soap and a soft cellulose paper.
- It is not advisable to use products with alcohol or alcohol derivatives on plexiglas pieces to maintain the original state of the material.
- For more information see maintenance and cleaning tips and help page

This product is located in: Boxes plexiglas - Containers plexiglas, Acrylic plexiglas Food Containers, Exhibitors of methacrylate sweets

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